Ripe (adjective): Having arrived at the fitting stage or time for a particular action or purpose On the 1st December, as we enter a new season, it seems fitting to pause and take stock, particularly since this is my 100thMumoirs …
“They Will Help Us Now”
Anniversary (noun): The date on which an event took place Today is one year since we found out that was I pregnant with Summer. We had just got back from a super active holiday in Jordan (well, James and I …
Happily Ever After
Second Wave (medical): The second phase of an infection. The Spanish flu a century ago was deadlier than the first Why did Jane Austen stop short? She ends the books, where they could easily continue. They finish with the marriages, …
Pros and Cons
Debrief (verb): To carefully review upon completion I didn’t intend to write a post-surgery update blog, I just wanted to say a quick “all went well, roll on 2021” but here I am, as it did and didn’t go as …
Question (noun): A sentence worded or expressed so as to elicit information Genuine question: If you’ve ever had a miscarriage, has any medical professional (in a formal setting) ever asked you any questions about it? Whether anything seemed to bring …
Nurse (verb): Give medical and other attention to So my Friday the 13th medical appointment is in the bag, and though it’s supposed to be a day of bad luck, something positive happened: I had THE conversation for the first …
Friday the 13th
Ironic (adjective): Happening in a way contrary to what is expected Omen (noun): Prophetic significance This made me laugh recently: Isn’t it ironic, that the day I take the first proactive step towards being able to ‘try again’ is the …
Prom (North American): A ball or formal dance at a school or college, especially one held at the end of the academic year for students who are in their final year. This used to be my only definition of the …
Bruth (Mumoirs abbreviation): Brutal truth I’ve been telling my bruth about our three losses – BoC, My Baby and Summer – via these Mumoirs blogs since June, so I wanted readers to hear some other voices, to grasp just how …