Quadrennium (noun): A specified period of four years This new month marks four years of us trying for a baby. Four trying years. Trying for years. F-O-U-R Y-E-A-R-S 80% of our first TTC lustrum 48 months 208 weeks 1461 days …
Who’s Winning?
Win (noun): A successful result in a contest, conflict, bet, or other endeavour; a victory I’ve blogged about life being on hold and feeling left behind, but there’s another reason why I’m unable to move forwards, it’s because I don’t …
The Bruth-o-Meter
Inappropriate (adjective): Not suitable or proper in the circumstances You know, I don’t think it would take much for me to be crowned “Queen of the Inappropriate”. All I would have to do, is dial up the bruth-o-meter, to say …
22nd August
Tradition (noun): The transmission of customs or beliefs from generation to generation If you’re anything like me (bitter, fragile and in a world of despair this week)*, you might want to avoid Instagram on the 22nd August, for it is: …
Double standard (noun): A rule or principle which is unfairly applied in different ways to different people or groups 1) It’s rude to point, but it’s ok to point out that a person doesn’t want/have kids. 2) It’s rude to …
Triggering (adjective): Causing someone emotional distress, typically as a result of arousing feelings or memories associated with a particular traumatic experience I haven’t read many books on baby loss. Strange, really. Especially since picking up a book is the one …
The Broken Records
Broken Record (noun): Used to refer to a person’s constant and annoying repetition of a particular statement or opinion It’s “fascinating” how so many loss mums, seem to experience such similar feelings at the same time. There are a few …
Imposter Syndrome
Fraud (noun): A person who deceives others, typically by unjustifiably claiming or being credited with accomplishments or qualities I’m sure I’ve mentioned previously, that it took me forever to seek out the baby loss community; other like-minded women, who’ve been …
The A to Z of Baby Loss
Words (song lyrics, Bee Gees): It’s only words and words are all I have There are no words? Yeah there are, lots of them. Lots of existing ones and lots of new ones popping up, all the time, too. So …