Here (adverb): Used when introducing something or someone 5 years since deciding to start a family, 4 pregnancies, 3 losses, us 2 throughout and now this little 1. James and I are beyond thrilled that our countdown is now over. Our daughter, Ellissa …
NCT Feedback
National Childbirth Trust (NCT): The UK’s largest parent charity. The mission is to support parents through the first 1000 days: from the beginning of pregnancy through to a child’s second birthday We recently completed an antenatal NCT course, the main aim being …
Disclaimer: This particular blog is about Pregnancy After Loss (‘PAL’), so if this is not where you are right now and you would like to shield yourself, I get that. You can stop reading now. PAL (acronym): Pregnancy After Loss …
Pinch Me (saying): Used to say that one can’t believe something is happening An hour after I posted my last blog, a friend sent me 15 exclamation marks followed by this screenshot, with the caption “speechless!” One week on from …
Baby Loss Awareness Week 2022
Stepping stones (noun, plural): An action or event that helps one to make progress towards a specified goal My relationship with Baby Loss Awareness Week, has evolved over time. So much so, that I wasn’t going to blog this year, …
Fourth (numerical): Constituting of number four in a sequence Dear Friend, I don’t know how to do this, to write this blog that I have spent weeks attempting and abandoning in my head. Try as I might, there is no …
The Great North Run
Thank you (expression): A polite term used when acknowledging a gift, service, or compliment I mentioned previously that our friend (and Summer’s godfather) was running the Great North Run, half marathon, in memory of Summer in this blog. Well yesterday, …
For Tommy’s
Tommy’s (charity): The largest charity in the UK carrying out research into the causes of miscarriage, stillbirth and premature birth After tagging the baby loss charity, Tommy’s, on Instagram about this blog (our friend’s fundraising run in memory of Summer), …
Grief Growth
Donate (verb): Give for a good cause For those hoping for a deep and profound blog, based on the title, sorry, but this one’s about hair. Hair?! Yep hair and my literal grief growth. Bear with me – “hair” me …
Summer of ‘22
Bittersweet (adjective): Arousing pleasure tinged with sadness or pain Today marks the two year anniversary of Summer’s due date, the roundabout date that we should have a two year old with us. I said last year, that I’m still trying …