Superpower (noun): An exceptional or extraordinary ability.
Baby loss superpower #1: The ability to predict a pregnancy/birth announcement simply upon receipt of a text or phone call.
Baby loss superpower #2: The ability to scan a whole email in milliseconds, only for your eyes to immediately land on the three dreaded words: “I am pregnant”.
Baby loss superpower #3: The ability to cry. At anything. Tears of happiness! Tears of relief! Tears of stress! (Sadness sits so close to every other emotion, that you’re only a moment away from a full-on bawl.)
Baby loss superpower #4: The ability to link any song lyric, quote or poem to baby loss.
Baby loss superpower #5: The ability to tell a never-ending story about a life very short-lived.
Baby loss superpower #6: The ability to cheerlead for other people, when you feel absolutely no cheer for yourself.
Baby loss superpower #7: The ability to compute quick mental maths about how old your baby should be, when seeing a child of a remotely similar age.
Baby loss superpower #8: The ability to beat yourself up about any and every single thing. (“Did I lose the baby because I accidentally ate soft cheese one time?”)
Baby loss superpower #9: The ability to quickly learn a new language: Triggered, TTC, BFN, BFP, grief hangover.
Baby loss superpower #10: The ability to open up to complete strangers about your deepest, darkest fears and thoughts.
N.B. To read an article about a real-life superhero and fellow baby-loss friend, please click here. This was coincidentally published this morning, with Sinead writing “I don’t mean to brag here, but the thing about us bereaved parents is that we are actual real life superheroes.” Hear hear! Good luck with the run tomorrow Sinead! Thank you for sharing your story about your beautiful family, for helping with the brainstorming for this blog (and others) and for keeping me sane xx
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Oh, Anj! If only we could find the kryptonite for some of these superpowers, particularly number 8. A thought-provoking post x
Baby loss superpower #11: The ability to help so many other people through your profound words and honesty, so much more than you realise xxx