Five (number): Equivalent to the sum of three and two Lustrum (noun): A rare literary word that means a period of five years As it approaches five years since Summer was born and died (it’s her birthday, this weekend) there are two particular …
The Fourth Day of Summer
Kooky (adjective): Strange or eccentric I should have written this blog immediately after Summer’s birthday, but life – it’s busy. Which pretty much sums up how Summer’s 4th birthday felt this year actually. There wasn’t a lot of time to …
The Unicorn Friend
Unicorn (noun): Something that is highly desirable but difficult to find It’s International Women’s Day and to my mind, that’s something very much synonymous with a celebratory friendship day – so thank you in particular to all of the strong, …
A Leap of Faith
Leap Year (noun): A year, occurring once every four years, which has 366 days including 29 February as an additional day Yesterday was a leap year and some of you may have seen on Instagram that I have a tradition: …
Other People’s Fertility
History (noun): The whole series of past events connected with a particular person It’s been over a year since I last properly blogged. I’ve obviously been so fortunate in that I’ve been raising a little one, but I’ve still had …
Baby Loss Awareness Week 2023
Missing (adjective): Not present or included when expected or supposed to be Apologies for the delay in posting this, we had tech issues on the website last week, but this is the blog I posted on instagram for this year’s …
The Third Day of Summer
Third (number): Constituting number three in a sequence Bittersweet: The Dates There’s only one word for it: bittersweet. Earlier this month – the 9th of March – marked exactly three years since Summer was born/died, but it was also exactly …
Ellissa Summer
Here (adverb): Used when introducing something or someone 5 years since deciding to start a family, 4 pregnancies, 3 losses, us 2 throughout and now this little 1. James and I are beyond thrilled that our countdown is now over. Our daughter, Ellissa …
NCT Feedback
National Childbirth Trust (NCT): The UK’s largest parent charity. The mission is to support parents through the first 1000 days: from the beginning of pregnancy through to a child’s second birthday We recently completed an antenatal NCT course, the main aim being …
Disclaimer: This particular blog is about Pregnancy After Loss (‘PAL’), so if this is not where you are right now and you would like to shield yourself, I get that. You can stop reading now. PAL (acronym): Pregnancy After Loss …