Dream (verb): Indulge in daydreams or fantasies about something greatly desired We used to have these huge end-of-year parties at university, I’m talking HUGE. Hundreds of thousands of pounds spent on one-off all-night balls. It was the posh university equivalent …
Measuring Success
Success (noun): The accomplishment of an aim or purpose I’m getting all caught up in the new year vibe and I’m wondering what a successful year would look like. Obviously the fertility ‘journey’ casts a shadow over every single thing, …
Summer’s Song
Soothing (adjective):Having a gently calming effect There was a song I discovered, that gave me a special power. It wasn’t a secret song, but a very well known one in fact. But it was special, for it soothed babies. I …
For Jennifer
Flower (verb): Of a plant, to produce flowers; bloom My blogs are my personal reflections, the most pressing thoughts on my mind and hopefully tips or suggestions for readers, but Mumoirs also provides a platform to cheerlead and to support …
Irrational (adjective): Not logical or reasonable Does anyone else feel like they’ve sleepwalked into 2021? 2020 was the longest, most monotonous year, yet at the same time, where the heck did it go? I’m wary and mindful that there might …
Happy (song): Written, produced and performed by American singer Pharrell Williams 🎵 It might seem crazy what I’m ’bout to say 🎵 I’ve been thinking about the word ‘happy’ and its generic use in greetings: Happy birthday. Happy Christmas …
The Countdown to Christmas
Advent (noun): The first season of the Church year, leading up to Christmas For the woman who has a whole website for her words, I’ve been left speechless this December – not just because of the bad news, but because …
The Stages of Grief
Anger (noun): A strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility A few years after my dad passed away, my Aunty M gave my mum a book called On Death and Dying. I don’t think my mum read it, but I …
It’s My Party and I’ll Cry if I Want To
Geriatric (adjective): Relating to old people, especially with regard to their healthcare Many people wished me a “Happy Birthday” this week – thank you, that was really considerate of you. So I didn’t go full-circle, but the cards, charity donations, …