Logophile (noun): A lover of words There’s not a lot that I love more than writing (or talking!), but reading is up there. Common theme: words. I love words. I wrote a blog on music and ever since I’ve been …
Life on Hold
Best laid plans (idiom):An expression used to signify the futility of making detailed plans when the ability to fully or even partially execute them is uncertain We’re supposed to be enjoying the pre-child years, even though we’d rather have a child. It’s …
Reframe (verb): To express words or a concept differently I’m a good student, pretty well suited for written exams, but I am (James can verify this) so terrible at unlearning things. That doesn’t mean that I remember everything, rather that …
The Invisible Line
The Norm (noun): Something that is usual, typical, or standard It’s just occurred to me, that there’s a very definite line. There’s a point at which society is comfortable and accepting of bereaved parents, but where is it? Let me …
Invite, Acknowledge, Repeat
Optionality (noun, finance): The value of additional optional investment opportunities available only after having made an initial investment. The short-term payoff for this is modest, but the optionality value is enormous. I’ve gauged from the ‘official’ readership of this blog …
My Best Friend
Going nuclear (figurative): To get extremely angry and start behaving in a forceful or irrational way I am quite frankly, stunned, at the number of ‘my best friend’ stories amongst the bereaved mothers club. Best friends who we grew up …
Conversations with a Loss Mum
Epiphany (noun): A moment of sudden and great realisation Anna is a fictional bereaved mother, but let’s face it, we have all been Anna. Except, we all stopped short of Anna’s conversations didn’t we? So I’ve drawn a line. I’ve …
Choose Happy
Hats off to you (phrase): Used to express congratulations to someone or something You can choose your friends You can choose what you eat You can “choose kind” (a quote/idea from one of my fave books, Wonder. There’s a character …
Hiding From Hope
Cruel (adjective): Wilfully causing pain or suffering to others People have reflected that my blogs seem sadder lately, which I’ve found surprising. I actually think I’m doing better. Yes these are the thoughts in my head, yes I’m still sad …