How are you? (urban dictionary): The lamest rhetorical question in the English language. Requires the answer of ‘Fine’ no matter how you feel In dealing with grief, those are three words I’ve personally come to dislike so much. When I …
Facebook’s Mum Challenge
Day 1 Nominated by myself 10 days of the “NOT being a Mum” challenge: every day I will select a picture from a day in the life of NOT being a “Mum”, (preferably one makes me feel proud crap about …
Music as Memory
Muscle memory (noun): the ability to reproduce a particular movement without conscious thought I’m always struck by how powerful music can be. One moment I can be absolutely fine, then a moment later a song can come on the radio …
Pregnancy Announcements
Truth (noun): that which is in accordance with fact or reality When people are being mean (usually my family, when I’m being opinionated or judgemental) they’ll say “you think you’re so perfect!” or something to that effect. You know what? …
Once Upon a Summer
Fairy tale (noun): a children’s story about magical and imaginary beings and lands Once upon a time there was a little girl called Summer, who accidentally turned herself invisible. “Oops sorry mummy, that wasn’t supposed to happen, but I’ll tell …
All the Little Things
Memory (noun):the faculty by which the mind stores and remembers information Memories are just a collection of little moments, aren’t they? But how we piece together the collection is important. So I wanted to share this letter with you, it’s …
Wishing on a Star
Shooting star (noun): A small, rapidly moving meteor burning up on entering the earth’s atmosphere Sometimes I just write, I don’t even know who to. I found this on my phone, written at 11pm on Sunday 22nd December 2019, three …
Light in the Dark
Friendship is the candle that lights up your heart whenever it is dark outside. This is the message I sent to two friends on the day of my daughter’s cremation. “My daughter” – I like saying that. These two friends …
Our Summer’s Day
Neonatal Death (medical): when a baby dies in the first 28 days of life. The neonatal mortality rate in England in 2018 was 2.8 deaths per 1,000 live births It is so hard to document my last week with Summer, …
Ignorance is Indeed, Bliss
Ignorance (noun): lack of knowledge or information I wrote this last year and posted it on Facebook for Baby Loss Awareness week. I remember writing it and feeling very brave, but as soon as I clicked “post” I closed the …