Belieber (urban dictionary): A fanbase for, the one and only, Justin Bieber In our house, if you ask Alexa to play some relaxing music (I still can’t believe my husband brought that eavesdropping woman into our home, without my permission!), …
The 43 Day Cycle
28 day cycle (Anjulie’s dictionary): Women living the dream, with (if they’re lucky) a chance of getting pregnant, every single month! First off, who are these people who have a 28 day cycle? Apparently that’s the average. You women are …
We Deserve the Crystal Balls
Glimpse (noun): To see something or someone for a very short time or only partly If you had a crystal ball, what would you look for? What would “normal” people want to glimpse into the future to see? Maybe they’d …
It’s Not That Easy
Easy (adjective): Achieved without great effort; presenting few difficulties, free from worries or problems “Ok great, so just give us a call when you’re pregnant” Not quite word-for-word what they said, but pretty much. After putting all our hope into …
What To Say
Delicate (adjective): Fine or precise in action or execution A fellow loss mum wrote an article for Baby Loss Awareness Week, it was a “what not to say” to a bereaved mother. I thought it was spot on. But, as …
The Happy Pig
Would you rather (phrase): A game where participants must choose between two challenging scenarios and explain why “Would you rather have a 10/10 happy marriage and have no children or have a 5/10 marriage and have two children?” That’s the question …
Aware (adjective): Having or showing realisation, perception, or knowledge Baby Loss Awareness Week (9th – 15 October) rolls around again, it starts tomorrow. And unlike last year, it’s not something I’m planning to make a push for, because it feels …
An Open Letter
Inexplicable (adjective): Unable to be explained or accounted for Dear several good people, On my stronger days, I tell myself that you surprised me. On gentle days, I ponder how you disappointed me. On the harshest ones, I feel you …
Normal (adjective): Ordinary or usual; as would be expected Hi team, it’s been a while. Probably my longest stint without blogging. It’s because I’ve been Sarah Michelle Gellar-ing (I just re-read that blog from February and it’s spot on), I …
Our London Summer Run
Cancer Research UK (charity): 1 in 2 people will get cancer in their lifetime. Cancer Research UK funds nearly half of all the publicly funded cancer research, here in the UK I really haven’t given enough time, thought or appreciation …