Mind over matter (phrase): The use of willpower to overcome problems My Head My Heart It’s time to get over it How? It’s time to move forward How? It’s time to stop thinking about it How? Time. Just give it …
Stories for my Godchildren
Imagine (verb): Form a mental image or concept of I read somewhere that C. S. Lewis wrote his Narnia books for his goddaughter and I absolutely adored that idea. I’ve stored it in my head under the heading “godparent goals” …
In it Together, Innit?
Innit (contraction, informal, British): Isn’t it. Often used in conversation when seeking confirmation I wrapped up my counselling sessions on Monday night. A number of reasons why, but after 6 months of dedicated support, I’ve decided it’s time to take …
Reverting to Type
Unique (adjective): Being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else The scary thing about being past the one year mark, is that I expect myself to get “better” now. After all, it’s not healthy to dwell, is it? …
All Over the Show
The Show Must Go On (phrase): A saying to encourage someone to continue with what they are doing, even if they are experiencing difficulties Have you seen that episode of The Simpsons, where they keep showing Homer’s face next to changing definitions in the dictionary i.e. what it …
Ensoulment (in religion): The moment at which a human being gains a soul I would like to start this blog with a warning: this is a blog which will explore religion, so it may not be to everyone’s liking. If …
The Best Thing I’ve Ever Done
Potential (noun):Latent qualities or abilities that may be developed and lead to future success or usefulness When parents say “having a child is the best thing I’ve ever done!” I’ve always wanted to ask “what’s the second best thing?”, but …
Being a Good Person
The Inner Child (psychological): An individual’s childlike aspect Many years ago, I got it into my head that being a good person, meant doing things that I didn’t want to do, in order to make others happy. This meant putting …
Measuring Success
Success (noun): The accomplishment of an aim or purpose I’m getting all caught up in the new year vibe and I’m wondering what a successful year would look like. Obviously the fertility ‘journey’ casts a shadow over every single thing, …
Crazy Thought of the Day
Logical (adjective): Expected or sensible, under the circumstances Crazy thought of the day: I need to catch Covid-19 No, this is not the suicidal confession of a mad woman, it’s the rational thought of a fairly logical one. Today marks …