Artist (noun): A person who creates paintings or drawings as a profession or hobby As people start to deck the halls and adorn their homes for Christmas, it reminds me of a drawing of a nursery decoration that a friend …
Happily Ever After
Second Wave (medical): The second phase of an infection. The Spanish flu a century ago was deadlier than the first Why did Jane Austen stop short? She ends the books, where they could easily continue. They finish with the marriages, …
Pros and Cons
Debrief (verb): To carefully review upon completion I didn’t intend to write a post-surgery update blog, I just wanted to say a quick “all went well, roll on 2021” but here I am, as it did and didn’t go as …
Question (noun): A sentence worded or expressed so as to elicit information Genuine question: If you’ve ever had a miscarriage, has any medical professional (in a formal setting) ever asked you any questions about it? Whether anything seemed to bring …
Friday the 13th
Ironic (adjective): Happening in a way contrary to what is expected Omen (noun): Prophetic significance This made me laugh recently: Isn’t it ironic, that the day I take the first proactive step towards being able to ‘try again’ is the …
The Lioness
Well-adjusted (adjective, of a person): Mentally and emotionally stable My grief sits so close to the surface, still so close to every other emotion. It may always feel raw. Yesterday I was humming and bopping along to some music, and …
Implicit (adjective): Suggested, though not directly expressed Explicit (adjective): Stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt Misunderstood. That’s a good word, isn’t it? I didn’t like the word miscarriage, thinking it should be spelled misscarriage …
Forgive and forget (phrase): To decide not to continue being angry about something that someone has done, and not to allow your memory of it to influence your future relationship I remember lying on a yoga mat, waiting for a …
Beyond Reasonable Doubt
Guilty (adjective): Justly chargeable with a particular fault or error Opening Statement I write because it helps me to process all my feelings, to assess what’s really wrong. Yesterday, I felt so low, I didn’t even want to write. That’s …
Meme (noun): An image, video, piece of text, typically humorous in nature, that is copied and spread rapidly by internet users I have previously said that for this Baby Loss Awareness Week, I wanted to capture different ways of raising …