Law of Attraction (new thought philosophy): The belief that positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person’s life The first thing that dies, is your baby. The next is hope. You lose track of the things …
I’m Sorry For Your Loss
Sorry (adjective): Feeling sad or distressed through sympathy with someone else’s misfortune I’ve been in your shoes too, you know. I’ve been opposite a loss mum, who’s awaiting a response and I’ve paused, thought “I don’t know what to say!” …
Content (adjective): In a state of peaceful happiness I’m slowly figuring out why this hurts so much. There are the obvious things to be sad about: losing another child, not being a mum, the fear and uncertainty of what’s to …
My Old Self
Future (noun): Time regarded as still to come She sits in a tea shop, tucked away in a corner. Baklava on a plate, book in her lap. I walk in, face masked, heart shielded. She glances up, smiles. I look …
Too High A Price
Payment-in-kind (Finance): The use of a good or service as payment instead of cash Sometimes, I get a thought or a phrase stuck in my head and it goes round and round, so I thought I’d write it down: We …
Baby Loss Superpowers
Superpower (noun): An exceptional or extraordinary ability. Baby loss superpower #1: The ability to predict a pregnancy/birth announcement simply upon receipt of a text or phone call. Baby loss superpower #2: The ability to scan a whole email in milliseconds, …
Life on Hold
Best laid plans (idiom):An expression used to signify the futility of making detailed plans when the ability to fully or even partially execute them is uncertain We’re supposed to be enjoying the pre-child years, even though we’d rather have a child. It’s …
Reframe (verb): To express words or a concept differently I’m a good student, pretty well suited for written exams, but I am (James can verify this) so terrible at unlearning things. That doesn’t mean that I remember everything, rather that …
The Invisible Line
The Norm (noun): Something that is usual, typical, or standard It’s just occurred to me, that there’s a very definite line. There’s a point at which society is comfortable and accepting of bereaved parents, but where is it? Let me …
Invite, Acknowledge, Repeat
Optionality (noun, finance): The value of additional optional investment opportunities available only after having made an initial investment. The short-term payoff for this is modest, but the optionality value is enormous. I’ve gauged from the ‘official’ readership of this blog …