Here (adverb): Used when introducing something or someone
5 years since deciding to start a family, 4 pregnancies, 3 losses, us 2 throughout and now this little 1. James and I are beyond thrilled that our countdown is now over.
Our daughter, Ellissa Summer R___, arrived on Friday 9th December at 3.14pm, 6lb 12oz, at St Mary’s Hospital, Paddington – exactly 2 years and 9 months since sister Summer was born/died (and exactly 2.5 years, to the day, since I launched this Mumoirs blog).

I am so sorry for the delay in letting you all know and even more so regarding the proximity to Christmas – the timing is not ideal, I know and I’m sorry – but we have been finding our feet and I’ve been recovering from the delivery.
Please know that we do not believe that we’ve been rewarded for persevering, rather that we’ve been inordinately lucky and blessed to have been entrusted with this little soul. So although it would be easy for me to say, “never give up, keep trying”, I know it doesn’t work like that and my heart goes out to everyone still fighting the uphill battle, particularly at this difficult time of year. I see you.
Friends, supporters, readers – I don’t know what’s left to say. it’s been a long road and this is a surreal moment as any: she’s here. Our daughter is finally here. That still hasn’t quite sunk in, but we could not be more grateful.
And to my husband James, we did it. We finished on a win, just as you’d always hoped. Thank you for always believing we could, especially when I couldn’t.
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The best post yet 🥲
Best news and baby niece ever! I’m so grateful for the blessing she is, and hope that she can help heal so some of the wounds made by the struggle to create the family you’d dreamed of. I know my kids have helped inordinately by giving me a positive focus, but it’s bittersweet and it’s OK to feel confused and challenged by the ever present longing for the babies that came before, even if their survival would have made it less likely that this special bundle wouldn’t be here now. It’s tricky, but if you give yourself some grace with those feelings it may help.
Enjoy the snuggles and smells of a new baby, she will grow and change so quickly, and it really does pass in a flash (even if those night time wakes and grumpy days feel like they will never end!) xxx
Anjulie, you do not know me. I live in Canada and recently suffered a missed miscarriage. I’ve spent the last couple weeks reading your blog posts and somehow I feel like I know you. It has been an absolute joy and an honour to read about your journey through miscarriage and loss, and also your most recent joy. I know you do not want your blog to hurt anyone still suffering from loss, but I would like you to know that I am so happy you finally got your happy ending. I know your beautiful little girl does not replace BoC, My Baby, or Summer, but I hope she does make you finally feel like a Mum (even though you’ve been a Mum for a long time in my opinion). Thank you for your honesty during your darkest days and lowest times, as well as your vulnerability. Your journey has helped me navigate some of my own thoughts and feelings during this time. Again thank you, and I wish you, James, and Elissa health and happiness.
PS. If you ever do decide to start a Mum blog, I would be happy to read that too!
Dear Amber, it’s always so bittersweet when someone gets in touch as I am so touched by your lovely message and incredibly kind words, but so very sorry that you had to find this blog and even more sorry to hear about the loss of your baby. If this blog has helped in any way, I’m so grateful for that. Thank you so much for your message, I hope you’re taking care of yourself. Anjulie xx