Five (number): Equivalent to the sum of three and two Lustrum (noun): A rare literary word that means a period of five years As it approaches five years since Summer was born and died (it’s her birthday, this weekend) there are two particular …
The Fourth Day of Summer
Kooky (adjective): Strange or eccentric I should have written this blog immediately after Summer’s birthday, but life – it’s busy. Which pretty much sums up how Summer’s 4th birthday felt this year actually. There wasn’t a lot of time to …
The Third Day of Summer
Third (number): Constituting number three in a sequence Bittersweet: The Dates There’s only one word for it: bittersweet. Earlier this month – the 9th of March – marked exactly three years since Summer was born/died, but it was also exactly …
The Second Day of Summer
Second (number): Constituting number two in a sequence; coming after the first in time or order It was Summer’s second birthday earlier this month, but it’s taken me a while to sit and blog about it, as we’ve been away …
The First Day of Summer
Birthday (noun): The anniversary of the day on which a person was born, typically treated as an occasion for celebration It was Summer’s first birthday on Tuesday; it was the first, First Day of Summer. One whole desperate year without …