Reframe (verb): To express words or a concept differently I’m a good student, pretty well suited for written exams, but I am (James can verify this) so terrible at unlearning things. That doesn’t mean that I remember everything, rather that …
The Invisible Line
The Norm (noun): Something that is usual, typical, or standard It’s just occurred to me, that there’s a very definite line. There’s a point at which society is comfortable and accepting of bereaved parents, but where is it? Let me …
Taboo (adjective): A subject prohibited or restricted by social custom Some labels you can’t choose: I’m female, I’m in my 30’s, I’m of Indian origin. Some you can: I work in the City of London, I love to travel. Some …
Torture (verb): The action or practice of inflicting severe pain on someone as a punishment In my processing grief journal, I wrote that losing a child is torture. What I didn’t notice is how so much of it is self-inflicted. …
Juggling Through Grief
Circus (noun): A travelling company of acrobats, clowns, and other entertainers which give performances, typically in a large tent. It does feel as though there’s a circus in my head: all of the frenzy, none of the fun. Picture the …
The Story of her Name
Summer (noun): The warmest season of the year, in the northern hemisphere from June to August and in the southern hemisphere from December to February Devi: (noun, Hinduism): The Sanskrit word for “goddess”, meaning heavenly, divine, anything of excellence Is grief …
Grief Disguised
Disguise (verb): Give a different appearance in order to conceal one’s identity We all know so little about grief. We know it’s not linear, that it can hit you at any time. But I think the majority of us who …