Juxtaposition (noun): The fact of two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife Pride …
In Real Life
Realisation (noun): An act of becoming fully aware of something as a fact I’ve recently met up with a few different people from the baby loss community; mums who have lost babies at similar or different stages, mums who have …
Mumoirs’ Birthday Blog
Anniversary (noun): The date on which an event took place in a previous year I cannot believe that this website has been running for one whole year – woah! I wanted to come up with something pun-tastic for the one …
Mismatched Grief
Asynchronous (adjective): Not existing or occurring at the same time One of the cleverest phrases on this blog, was obviously not my own. It was James’ when he spoke about “asynchronous grief” – I can barely spell it, but I …
This Chapter
Chapter (noun): A distinctive period in history or in a person’s life I was reading a book a couple of months ago, The Midnight Library, it’s a place that people go, between life and death. When you visit the library, …
Head Vs. Heart
Mind over matter (phrase): The use of willpower to overcome problems My Head My Heart It’s time to get over it How? It’s time to move forward How? It’s time to stop thinking about it How? Time. Just give it …
They said… whaaat?!
Verbal diarrhoea (urban dictionary): A condition suffered by an individual who has the inability to shut the f*ck up This is another collaboration blog, where I’ve asked the baby loss community to tell me some of the insensitive things people …
Bothering Sunday
Mother’s Day (event): A celebration honouring the mother of the family, as well as motherhood, maternal bonds, and the influence of mothers in society From a baby loss perspective, it’s been an overwhelming and eventful March for me, and we’re …
Around the Year in 60 Books
World Book Day (event): A charity event held annually in the UK and Ireland on the first Thursday in March As with all things baby loss, different things will upset different people. For some, World Book Day is a day to be avoided, …