Enough (pronoun, determiner): As much or as many as required I wasn’t going to write anything for Valentine’s Day, after all, it’s just a day that draws a line between smug couples and those living their best independent lives (shout …
The Best Thing I’ve Ever Done
Potential (noun):Latent qualities or abilities that may be developed and lead to future success or usefulness When parents say “having a child is the best thing I’ve ever done!” I’ve always wanted to ask “what’s the second best thing?”, but …
Goddamn Feelings
Triggered (adjective, of a response): Caused by a particular action, process, or situation A while ago, I said to a friend “when I started the blog, I thought it was because I was angry, but it’s not anger. It’s something …
It’s My Party and I’ll Cry if I Want To
Geriatric (adjective): Relating to old people, especially with regard to their healthcare Many people wished me a “Happy Birthday” this week – thank you, that was really considerate of you. So I didn’t go full-circle, but the cards, charity donations, …
Why I Dislike Baby Scans
Scan (verb): Look at all parts of something carefully in order to detect some feature Someone from the loss community said “I’m sorry that you generally don’t like baby scans” and it made me realise, huh, she doesn’t understand why …
Identity Theft
Reminder (noun): A thing that causes someone to remember something I’d like to try to explain something, it’s something that I think people who have been reading my Mumoirs (all 100+ of them – eek!) throughout understand, but those who …
Pros and Cons
Debrief (verb): To carefully review upon completion I didn’t intend to write a post-surgery update blog, I just wanted to say a quick “all went well, roll on 2021” but here I am, as it did and didn’t go as …
Style (noun): A particular procedure by which something is done; a manner or way James: “Are you a plotter or a pantser?” Anjulie: “I’ve no idea what you’re talking about” Apparently there are two types of writers: those who write …
Beyond Reasonable Doubt
Guilty (adjective): Justly chargeable with a particular fault or error Opening Statement I write because it helps me to process all my feelings, to assess what’s really wrong. Yesterday, I felt so low, I didn’t even want to write. That’s …