Memory (noun): Something remembered from the past I think ‘they’ say that smell is the most powerful form of memory, but for me, it might be sound. I still have such a strange relationship with music: I get lonely at …
For Jennifer
Flower (verb): Of a plant, to produce flowers; bloom My blogs are my personal reflections, the most pressing thoughts on my mind and hopefully tips or suggestions for readers, but Mumoirs also provides a platform to cheerlead and to support …
The Stages of Grief
Anger (noun): A strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility A few years after my dad passed away, my Aunty M gave my mum a book called On Death and Dying. I don’t think my mum read it, but I …
Identity Theft
Reminder (noun): A thing that causes someone to remember something I’d like to try to explain something, it’s something that I think people who have been reading my Mumoirs (all 100+ of them – eek!) throughout understand, but those who …
Nurse (verb): Give medical and other attention to So my Friday the 13th medical appointment is in the bag, and though it’s supposed to be a day of bad luck, something positive happened: I had THE conversation for the first …
Bruth (Mumoirs abbreviation): Brutal truth I’ve been telling my bruth about our three losses – BoC, My Baby and Summer – via these Mumoirs blogs since June, so I wanted readers to hear some other voices, to grasp just how …
Implicit (adjective): Suggested, though not directly expressed Explicit (adjective): Stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt Misunderstood. That’s a good word, isn’t it? I didn’t like the word miscarriage, thinking it should be spelled misscarriage …
Forgive and forget (phrase): To decide not to continue being angry about something that someone has done, and not to allow your memory of it to influence your future relationship I remember lying on a yoga mat, waiting for a …
This Woman’s Work
Lyrics (noun): The words of a song This particular woman’s work this week, has been trying to raise baby loss awareness via mediums other than words. Today, it is via song. James recently commented that this is one of his …