Mind over matter (phrase): The use of willpower to overcome problems My Head My Heart It’s time to get over it How? It’s time to move forward How? It’s time to stop thinking about it How? Time. Just give it …
Bothering Sunday
Mother’s Day (event): A celebration honouring the mother of the family, as well as motherhood, maternal bonds, and the influence of mothers in society From a baby loss perspective, it’s been an overwhelming and eventful March for me, and we’re …
All This Love
Enough (pronoun, determiner): As much or as many as required I wasn’t going to write anything for Valentine’s Day, after all, it’s just a day that draws a line between smug couples and those living their best independent lives (shout …
Ensoulment (in religion): The moment at which a human being gains a soul I would like to start this blog with a warning: this is a blog which will explore religion, so it may not be to everyone’s liking. If …
Goddamn Feelings
Triggered (adjective, of a response): Caused by a particular action, process, or situation A while ago, I said to a friend “when I started the blog, I thought it was because I was angry, but it’s not anger. It’s something …
Measuring Success
Success (noun): The accomplishment of an aim or purpose I’m getting all caught up in the new year vibe and I’m wondering what a successful year would look like. Obviously the fertility ‘journey’ casts a shadow over every single thing, …
Irrational (adjective): Not logical or reasonable Does anyone else feel like they’ve sleepwalked into 2021? 2020 was the longest, most monotonous year, yet at the same time, where the heck did it go? I’m wary and mindful that there might …
Crazy Thought of the Day
Logical (adjective): Expected or sensible, under the circumstances Crazy thought of the day: I need to catch Covid-19 No, this is not the suicidal confession of a mad woman, it’s the rational thought of a fairly logical one. Today marks …
Identity Theft
Reminder (noun): A thing that causes someone to remember something I’d like to try to explain something, it’s something that I think people who have been reading my Mumoirs (all 100+ of them – eek!) throughout understand, but those who …
Artist (noun): A person who creates paintings or drawings as a profession or hobby As people start to deck the halls and adorn their homes for Christmas, it reminds me of a drawing of a nursery decoration that a friend …