Cruel (adjective): Wilfully causing pain or suffering to others People have reflected that my blogs seem sadder lately, which I’ve found surprising. I actually think I’m doing better. Yes these are the thoughts in my head, yes I’m still sad …
The Window
Triple glazing (noun, British): Triple glazing is effectively three panes of glass. This means it has an extra layer of glass to insulate your home over double glazing I’ve spoken previously about feeling like I’m stood outside a window, peering in. Glimpsing …
The Final Taboo
Ball and chain (noun): A heavy metal ball secured by a chain to the leg of a prisoner. Used to convey the idea that something is a crippling encumbrance This morning I’ve revisited the “Am I even a Mum?” frame …
Summer Nights
Summer Nights (song): A popular song from the musical Grease. Written by Jim Jacobs and Warren Casey, its best-known version was recorded by John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John Summer loving had me a blast Summer loving happened so fast I …
The Middle Child
The middle child (syndrome): A psychological condition where a child, who is the middle one in between two siblings, feels left out Today I’d like to talk about My Baby. My Baby who doesn’t always get a lot of airtime: classic middle child …
I Don’t Feel Normal
Heightened (adjective): More intense than normal I don’t think there’s a one-size-fits-all definition for normal, but I think we all know what feels normal for us. And I just don’t feel normal – even though all my medical test results …
That Poor Camel
The straw that broke the camel’s back (proverb): Describes the seemingly minor action that causes an unpredictably large and sudden reaction, because of the cumulative effect of small actions You’ve heard the above proverb, right? Well this is going to …
Then and Now
Defining moment (noun): An event which typifies or determines all subsequent related occurrences For anyone dealing with bereavement, there’s always a ‘then and now’, a ‘before and after’. I’m feeling so angry at the moment, I can’t shift it, so I’m …
Etymology (noun): The study of the history and origin of words In the same way I felt about the word grief, I want to explore the word MISCARRIAGE. I already know where I’m going with this blog: the word doesn’t …
The Story of her Name
Summer (noun): The warmest season of the year, in the northern hemisphere from June to August and in the southern hemisphere from December to February Devi: (noun, Hinduism): The Sanskrit word for “goddess”, meaning heavenly, divine, anything of excellence Is grief …