Disguise (verb): Give a different appearance in order to conceal one’s identity We all know so little about grief. We know it’s not linear, that it can hit you at any time. But I think the majority of us who …
12 Weeks
Decision (noun): The action or process of deciding something or of resolving a question We all know the convention: when you’re pregnant, you’re supposed to wait until your baby is 12 weeks to share the happy news. My husband has …
Beliefs and Coincidences
The Witching Hour (folklore): A time of night associated with supernatural events Disclaimer: Please note that what follows is an exploration of my faith. I, in no way, assert myself as learned in this field and do not intend any offence. …
Launch Day
Launch (verb): To start or set in motion Dear actual-real-life, someone-other-than-me reader, So it’s here: Tuesday 9th June 2020, it’s “launch” day for my blog. No party, no fanfare, just a few messages to let friends and family know that …
Am I Even a Mum?
Mother (noun): A woman in relation to her child or children (verb): Bring up (a child) with care and affection (verb): Give birth to Firstly, apologies …
There’s No Place at Home
Priority (noun): Something that is regarded as more important than others I know it’s normal to question your existence and the point of life when going through grief; it’s all brought to the fore. The big questions are those we …
The Seasons of Friendship
Seasonal (adjective): Fluctuating or restricted according to the time of year This is a blog I’ve been struggling with. I want to figure out where my head is, but I’ve been burying it in the sand for so long. What …
What are the Chances?
Chance (noun): a possibility of something happening When I was in hospital, the window in my room was ajar. Just a tiny bit. All alone, as I peered to my right, there was a gust of wind and a leaf …
Becoming a Net Receiver
Receiver (noun): a person who gets or accepts something that has been sent or given to them I’ve always thought of myself as someone who’s happy receiving. I’m the type of person who will take the last chip on a …
How Are You?
How are you? (urban dictionary): The lamest rhetorical question in the English language. Requires the answer of ‘Fine’ no matter how you feel In dealing with grief, those are three words I’ve personally come to dislike so much. When I …