World Book Day (event): A charity event held annually in the UK and Ireland on the first Thursday in March As with all things baby loss, different things will upset different people. For some, World Book Day is a day to be avoided, …
Sarah Michelle Gellar-ing
One day at a time (idiom): To deal with each day as they come, instead of worrying about the future When I launched this website in June of last year, I had no idea how frequently I would blog. I had …
All This Love
Enough (pronoun, determiner): As much or as many as required I wasn’t going to write anything for Valentine’s Day, after all, it’s just a day that draws a line between smug couples and those living their best independent lives (shout …
How Could I Forget?
Memory (noun): Something remembered from the past I think ‘they’ say that smell is the most powerful form of memory, but for me, it might be sound. I still have such a strange relationship with music: I get lonely at …
Goddamn Feelings
Triggered (adjective, of a response): Caused by a particular action, process, or situation A while ago, I said to a friend “when I started the blog, I thought it was because I was angry, but it’s not anger. It’s something …
Someday Soon
Dream (verb): Indulge in daydreams or fantasies about something greatly desired We used to have these huge end-of-year parties at university, I’m talking HUGE. Hundreds of thousands of pounds spent on one-off all-night balls. It was the posh university equivalent …
Irrational (adjective): Not logical or reasonable Does anyone else feel like they’ve sleepwalked into 2021? 2020 was the longest, most monotonous year, yet at the same time, where the heck did it go? I’m wary and mindful that there might …
Happy (song): Written, produced and performed by American singer Pharrell Williams 🎵 It might seem crazy what I’m ’bout to say 🎵 I’ve been thinking about the word ‘happy’ and its generic use in greetings: Happy birthday. Happy Christmas …
The Stages of Grief
Anger (noun): A strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility A few years after my dad passed away, my Aunty M gave my mum a book called On Death and Dying. I don’t think my mum read it, but I …
Just Go With It
Mantra (noun): A statement or slogan repeated frequently Sometimes you just need a new mantra, maybe even a few, as the old ones wear thin. You may recall that we’re having ongoing building work to our home: we are now …