Angel (noun): A spiritual being believed to act as an attendant, or messenger of God Rainbow (noun): An arc of colour in the sky that can be seen when the sun shines through falling rain Blunt blog alert! Let’s talk about …
The Final Taboo
Ball and chain (noun): A heavy metal ball secured by a chain to the leg of a prisoner. Used to convey the idea that something is a crippling encumbrance This morning I’ve revisited the “Am I even a Mum?” frame …
The Deathbed
Going full circle (Anjulie-ism, made up phrase): To be born and to die on the same date Because my dad passed away when I was 11 years old, I started working backwards, from my own deathbed. I started making decisions …
I Don’t Feel Normal
Heightened (adjective): More intense than normal I don’t think there’s a one-size-fits-all definition for normal, but I think we all know what feels normal for us. And I just don’t feel normal – even though all my medical test results …
A Pathetic
Apathetic (adjective): Showing or feeling no interest, enthusiasm or concern I care about so little at the moment, so little about the things that used to fill my days – social occasions, trips away, family drama, birthday presents, politics – …
Backwards (adverb): Of an object’s motion, back towards the starting point Usually when I blog, I have a rough idea of what I want to write about. Today I’m just writing through tears, trying to figure out what’s wrong. Why …
Out Loud
Sheltered (adjective): Protected from difficulties or unpleasant realities I’ve been vocal about baby loss… From the privacy of my own home. I’ve written about how it all feels… From the security of my desk and computer monitor. I’ve touched people …
Torture (verb): The action or practice of inflicting severe pain on someone as a punishment In my processing grief journal, I wrote that losing a child is torture. What I didn’t notice is how so much of it is self-inflicted. …
Then and Now
Defining moment (noun): An event which typifies or determines all subsequent related occurrences For anyone dealing with bereavement, there’s always a ‘then and now’, a ‘before and after’. I’m feeling so angry at the moment, I can’t shift it, so I’m …