Hope (verb): Want something to happen or be the case Caveat: As always, all thoughts, musings, anger are my own. I know that it’s difficult knowing what to say – it’s now four months since Summer passed away and I …
Juggling Through Grief
Circus (noun): A travelling company of acrobats, clowns, and other entertainers which give performances, typically in a large tent. It does feel as though there’s a circus in my head: all of the frenzy, none of the fun. Picture the …
Misconception (noun): A view or opinion that is incorrect because it’s based on faulty thinking or understanding People may think we don’t want to be reminded of their deaths We’re terrified that people will forget People may think there’s not …
Grief Disguised
Disguise (verb): Give a different appearance in order to conceal one’s identity We all know so little about grief. We know it’s not linear, that it can hit you at any time. But I think the majority of us who …
Assessed (verb, past tense): Evaluate or estimate the nature, ability or quality of someone The first verbal conversation you have with EVERY SINGLE PERSON after you’ve experienced loss, can bring a lot of anxiety. It’s why my phone might start …
Tag-team (informal): People working together In the book club I’m a member of, we read The Choice by Edith Eger in 2018. Now this is terrible paraphrasing (forgive me Edith), but she’s an Auschwitz survivor who went on to become …
Showered in Love
Save the date:Announcement of an upcoming event, asking the recipient to hold or reserve the mentioned date (Saturday 13th June from 11-2pm) on their calendar Today – right now – should have been my baby shower. With the timing of …
Is Anyone There?
Listen (verb): Take notice of and act on what someone says; respond to advice or a request I’ve felt so low this week. I had to message my boss earlier to say “really sorry, I’m logging off, this week is …
Launch Day
Launch (verb): To start or set in motion Dear actual-real-life, someone-other-than-me reader, So it’s here: Tuesday 9th June 2020, it’s “launch” day for my blog. No party, no fanfare, just a few messages to let friends and family know that …
Am I Even a Mum?
Mother (noun): A woman in relation to her child or children (verb): Bring up (a child) with care and affection (verb): Give birth to Firstly, apologies …