Belieber (urban dictionary): A fanbase for, the one and only, Justin Bieber In our house, if you ask Alexa to play some relaxing music (I still can’t believe my husband brought that eavesdropping woman into our home, without my permission!), …
The Happy Pig
Would you rather (phrase): A game where participants must choose between two challenging scenarios and explain why “Would you rather have a 10/10 happy marriage and have no children or have a 5/10 marriage and have two children?” That’s the question …
Our London Summer Run
Cancer Research UK (charity): 1 in 2 people will get cancer in their lifetime. Cancer Research UK funds nearly half of all the publicly funded cancer research, here in the UK I really haven’t given enough time, thought or appreciation …
22nd August
Tradition (noun): The transmission of customs or beliefs from generation to generation If you’re anything like me (bitter, fragile and in a world of despair this week)*, you might want to avoid Instagram on the 22nd August, for it is: …
Two Vs Too
Number two (urban dictionary): To poop or defecate We’ve been away on holiday recently, which is why I’ve blogged a lot less, but I’ve had so many baby loss related thoughts. The return to the real world will do that …
A Charity Case
Pride (noun): Consciousness of one’s own dignity Shame (noun): A painful feeling of humiliation or distress Around the time I turned 18 (officially an adult, yeah right!), I passed a couple of interviews and received an offer to study at …
Mumoirs’ Birthday Blog
Anniversary (noun): The date on which an event took place in a previous year I cannot believe that this website has been running for one whole year – woah! I wanted to come up with something pun-tastic for the one …