Fight the good fight (idiom): To try very hard to do what is right After the loss of a pregnancy, it takes a while to regain your strength and to resume the types of things you used to do. Be …
The Pregnancy Thief
Poetaster (noun): A person who writes inferior poetry Ignorance was the first to flee Soon all else was stripped from me Doctor says: It’s just bad luck Ah, so you don’t give a f*ck? No big deal It happens a …
Ensoulment (in religion): The moment at which a human being gains a soul I would like to start this blog with a warning: this is a blog which will explore religion, so it may not be to everyone’s liking. If …
Happy (song): Written, produced and performed by American singer Pharrell Williams 🎵 It might seem crazy what I’m ’bout to say 🎵 I’ve been thinking about the word ‘happy’ and its generic use in greetings: Happy birthday. Happy Christmas …
Artist (noun): A person who creates paintings or drawings as a profession or hobby As people start to deck the halls and adorn their homes for Christmas, it reminds me of a drawing of a nursery decoration that a friend …
Question (noun): A sentence worded or expressed so as to elicit information Genuine question: If you’ve ever had a miscarriage, has any medical professional (in a formal setting) ever asked you any questions about it? Whether anything seemed to bring …
Prom (North American): A ball or formal dance at a school or college, especially one held at the end of the academic year for students who are in their final year. This used to be my only definition of the …
Bruth (Mumoirs abbreviation): Brutal truth I’ve been telling my bruth about our three losses – BoC, My Baby and Summer – via these Mumoirs blogs since June, so I wanted readers to hear some other voices, to grasp just how …
Beyond Reasonable Doubt
Guilty (adjective): Justly chargeable with a particular fault or error Opening Statement I write because it helps me to process all my feelings, to assess what’s really wrong. Yesterday, I felt so low, I didn’t even want to write. That’s …