Triptych (noun): A picture or relief carving on three panels, side by side Special Post: This blog has been written for Baby Loss Awareness Week 2020, in collaboration with @Sketchpad_On_Tour There are so many firsts and lasts, after loss: The …
This Woman’s Work
Lyrics (noun): The words of a song This particular woman’s work this week, has been trying to raise baby loss awareness via mediums other than words. Today, it is via song. James recently commented that this is one of his …
Meme (noun): An image, video, piece of text, typically humorous in nature, that is copied and spread rapidly by internet users I have previously said that for this Baby Loss Awareness Week, I wanted to capture different ways of raising …
Baby Loss Awareness Quiz
Awareness (noun): Concern about and well-informed interest in a particular situation or development I’ve been thinking about what to do for Baby Loss Awareness Week 2020. Last year (was it really only a year ago?), I outed myself on Facebook …
A Blessing or a Curse?
Superstition (noun): A widely held but irrational belief in supernatural influences Has this time and experience been a blessing or a curse? I’ve been wondering about this for a while now and my view oscillates. At first, I thought about …
I’m Sorry For Your Loss
Sorry (adjective): Feeling sad or distressed through sympathy with someone else’s misfortune I’ve been in your shoes too, you know. I’ve been opposite a loss mum, who’s awaiting a response and I’ve paused, thought “I don’t know what to say!” …
I Hate (the EPA)U
Trauma (noun): A deeply distressing or disturbing experience URGH. I had to return to the Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit (EPAU) today. Even though: I’m not pregnant I have so many traumatic memories of the place It’s a couple of hundred …
My Old Self
Future (noun): Time regarded as still to come She sits in a tea shop, tucked away in a corner. Baklava on a plate, book in her lap. I walk in, face masked, heart shielded. She glances up, smiles. I look …
Too High A Price
Payment-in-kind (Finance): The use of a good or service as payment instead of cash Sometimes, I get a thought or a phrase stuck in my head and it goes round and round, so I thought I’d write it down: We …
Baby Loss Superpowers
Superpower (noun): An exceptional or extraordinary ability. Baby loss superpower #1: The ability to predict a pregnancy/birth announcement simply upon receipt of a text or phone call. Baby loss superpower #2: The ability to scan a whole email in milliseconds, …