The Norm (noun): Something that is usual, typical, or standard It’s just occurred to me, that there’s a very definite line. There’s a point at which society is comfortable and accepting of bereaved parents, but where is it? Let me …
Invite, Acknowledge, Repeat
Optionality (noun, finance): The value of additional optional investment opportunities available only after having made an initial investment. The short-term payoff for this is modest, but the optionality value is enormous. I’ve gauged from the ‘official’ readership of this blog …
Conversations with a Loss Mum
Epiphany (noun): A moment of sudden and great realisation Anna is a fictional bereaved mother, but let’s face it, we have all been Anna. Except, we all stopped short of Anna’s conversations didn’t we? So I’ve drawn a line. I’ve …
5 months in, 5 months out
Spam (noun):Unsolicited messages sent over the Internet, typically to a large number of users Today is a milestone, not a real one, but my made-up one. This is how my mind works, it just creates something from nothing. Like last …
Sugar and Spice and All Things Nice
Angel (noun): A spiritual being believed to act as an attendant, or messenger of God Rainbow (noun): An arc of colour in the sky that can be seen when the sun shines through falling rain Blunt blog alert! Let’s talk about …
The Deathbed
Going full circle (Anjulie-ism, made up phrase): To be born and to die on the same date Because my dad passed away when I was 11 years old, I started working backwards, from my own deathbed. I started making decisions …
That Poor Camel
The straw that broke the camel’s back (proverb): Describes the seemingly minor action that causes an unpredictably large and sudden reaction, because of the cumulative effect of small actions You’ve heard the above proverb, right? Well this is going to …
Taboo (adjective): A subject prohibited or restricted by social custom Some labels you can’t choose: I’m female, I’m in my 30’s, I’m of Indian origin. Some you can: I work in the City of London, I love to travel. Some …
A Pathetic
Apathetic (adjective): Showing or feeling no interest, enthusiasm or concern I care about so little at the moment, so little about the things that used to fill my days – social occasions, trips away, family drama, birthday presents, politics – …
Out Loud
Sheltered (adjective): Protected from difficulties or unpleasant realities I’ve been vocal about baby loss… From the privacy of my own home. I’ve written about how it all feels… From the security of my desk and computer monitor. I’ve touched people …