Payment-in-kind (Finance): The use of a good or service as payment instead of cash Sometimes, I get a thought or a phrase stuck in my head and it goes round and round, so I thought I’d write it down: We …
Not Depressed, Just Grieving
Repetition (noun): The action of repeating something that has already been said or written My NHS counselling sessions ended in July, so in order to access sessions via my private medical insurance, I needed to get a referral letter from …
Baby Loss Superpowers
Superpower (noun): An exceptional or extraordinary ability. Baby loss superpower #1: The ability to predict a pregnancy/birth announcement simply upon receipt of a text or phone call. Baby loss superpower #2: The ability to scan a whole email in milliseconds, …
The Hairdresser
Failure (noun): The neglect or omission of expected or required action I’ve blogged previously about what I wanted to say, the next time a stranger asked me whether I had any children. I wrote a whole blog about what I …
The Invisible Line
The Norm (noun): Something that is usual, typical, or standard It’s just occurred to me, that there’s a very definite line. There’s a point at which society is comfortable and accepting of bereaved parents, but where is it? Let me …
Conversations with a Loss Mum
Epiphany (noun): A moment of sudden and great realisation Anna is a fictional bereaved mother, but let’s face it, we have all been Anna. Except, we all stopped short of Anna’s conversations didn’t we? So I’ve drawn a line. I’ve …
Baby Loss Bingo
Bingo (noun): A game in which players mark off sections on cards, the winner being the first person to mark off all their sections Roll up, roll up for baby-loss-bingo! The one game you don’t want to win! If you …
5 months in, 5 months out
Spam (noun):Unsolicited messages sent over the Internet, typically to a large number of users Today is a milestone, not a real one, but my made-up one. This is how my mind works, it just creates something from nothing. Like last …
Sugar and Spice and All Things Nice
Angel (noun): A spiritual being believed to act as an attendant, or messenger of God Rainbow (noun): An arc of colour in the sky that can be seen when the sun shines through falling rain Blunt blog alert! Let’s talk about …