World Book Day (event): A charity event held annually in the UK and Ireland on the first Thursday in March As with all things baby loss, different things will upset different people. For some, World Book Day is a day to be avoided, …
An Invitation
Invitation (noun): The action of inviting someone to go somewhere or to do something Today marks 11 months since Summer was here, which makes it just one month until her first birthday. The Mumoirs blog came about because Summer died, …
The Best Thing I’ve Ever Done
Potential (noun):Latent qualities or abilities that may be developed and lead to future success or usefulness When parents say “having a child is the best thing I’ve ever done!” I’ve always wanted to ask “what’s the second best thing?”, but …
Goddamn Feelings
Triggered (adjective, of a response): Caused by a particular action, process, or situation A while ago, I said to a friend “when I started the blog, I thought it was because I was angry, but it’s not anger. It’s something …
For Jennifer
Flower (verb): Of a plant, to produce flowers; bloom My blogs are my personal reflections, the most pressing thoughts on my mind and hopefully tips or suggestions for readers, but Mumoirs also provides a platform to cheerlead and to support …
Irrational (adjective): Not logical or reasonable Does anyone else feel like they’ve sleepwalked into 2021? 2020 was the longest, most monotonous year, yet at the same time, where the heck did it go? I’m wary and mindful that there might …
Why I Dislike Baby Scans
Scan (verb): Look at all parts of something carefully in order to detect some feature Someone from the loss community said “I’m sorry that you generally don’t like baby scans” and it made me realise, huh, she doesn’t understand why …
“They Will Help Us Now”
Anniversary (noun): The date on which an event took place Today is one year since we found out that was I pregnant with Summer. We had just got back from a super active holiday in Jordan (well, James and I …
Happily Ever After
Second Wave (medical): The second phase of an infection. The Spanish flu a century ago was deadlier than the first Why did Jane Austen stop short? She ends the books, where they could easily continue. They finish with the marriages, …