Going full circle (Anjulie-ism, made up phrase): To be born and to die on the same date Because my dad passed away when I was 11 years old, I started working backwards, from my own deathbed. I started making decisions …
A Pathetic
Apathetic (adjective): Showing or feeling no interest, enthusiasm or concern I care about so little at the moment, so little about the things that used to fill my days – social occasions, trips away, family drama, birthday presents, politics – …
Out Loud
Sheltered (adjective): Protected from difficulties or unpleasant realities I’ve been vocal about baby loss… From the privacy of my own home. I’ve written about how it all feels… From the security of my desk and computer monitor. I’ve touched people …
Then and Now
Defining moment (noun): An event which typifies or determines all subsequent related occurrences For anyone dealing with bereavement, there’s always a ‘then and now’, a ‘before and after’. I’m feeling so angry at the moment, I can’t shift it, so I’m …
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
Snapshot (noun): An informal photograph taken quickly, typically with a small handheld camera Have you seen this photo of James and me? I’ve come to think of it as the ‘defining’ photo. We have it framed at home, alongside one …
Etymology (noun): The study of the history and origin of words In the same way I felt about the word grief, I want to explore the word MISCARRIAGE. I already know where I’m going with this blog: the word doesn’t …
Medical Insensitivity
Salt in the wounds (phrase, informal): To make a difficult situation even worse for someone Let’s be clear from the outset, I love the NHS: Great institution, fantastic values, good and diligent people. Lots of my family and friends work …
The Story of her Name
Summer (noun): The warmest season of the year, in the northern hemisphere from June to August and in the southern hemisphere from December to February Devi: (noun, Hinduism): The Sanskrit word for “goddess”, meaning heavenly, divine, anything of excellence Is grief …
12 Weeks
Decision (noun): The action or process of deciding something or of resolving a question We all know the convention: when you’re pregnant, you’re supposed to wait until your baby is 12 weeks to share the happy news. My husband has …