Exponential (of an increase): becoming more and more rapid We, in the baby loss community, are skilled at coming up with ways to torture ourselves. A friend, for example, calculated the number of weeks of her life that she’s been …
Sarah Michelle Gellar-ing
One day at a time (idiom): To deal with each day as they come, instead of worrying about the future When I launched this website in June of last year, I had no idea how frequently I would blog. I had …
It’s My Party and I’ll Cry if I Want To
Geriatric (adjective): Relating to old people, especially with regard to their healthcare Many people wished me a “Happy Birthday” this week – thank you, that was really considerate of you. So I didn’t go full-circle, but the cards, charity donations, …
Just Go With It
Mantra (noun): A statement or slogan repeated frequently Sometimes you just need a new mantra, maybe even a few, as the old ones wear thin. You may recall that we’re having ongoing building work to our home: we are now …
Crazy Thought of the Day
Logical (adjective): Expected or sensible, under the circumstances Crazy thought of the day: I need to catch Covid-19 No, this is not the suicidal confession of a mad woman, it’s the rational thought of a fairly logical one. Today marks …
“They Will Help Us Now”
Anniversary (noun): The date on which an event took place Today is one year since we found out that was I pregnant with Summer. We had just got back from a super active holiday in Jordan (well, James and I …
Pros and Cons
Debrief (verb): To carefully review upon completion I didn’t intend to write a post-surgery update blog, I just wanted to say a quick “all went well, roll on 2021” but here I am, as it did and didn’t go as …
Nurse (verb): Give medical and other attention to So my Friday the 13th medical appointment is in the bag, and though it’s supposed to be a day of bad luck, something positive happened: I had THE conversation for the first …
Friday the 13th
Ironic (adjective): Happening in a way contrary to what is expected Omen (noun): Prophetic significance This made me laugh recently: Isn’t it ironic, that the day I take the first proactive step towards being able to ‘try again’ is the …
Style (noun): A particular procedure by which something is done; a manner or way James: “Are you a plotter or a pantser?” Anjulie: “I’ve no idea what you’re talking about” Apparently there are two types of writers: those who write …